So I got a 3 month old kitten. I would put up a picture, but my digital camera is broken at the moment, so I have to finish the role on my disposable camera before I'll have pictures. He is all grey and I named him "Miso" (yes, after miso soup - my sister asked why I didn't just name him chicken noodle - but that's not very cute!!) So far I think he's been a bit shell shocked and he's just sleeping a lot under my bed. Thankfully he does know how to use a litter box, so that's all going fine. I can't believe this weekend is already over!!
There is a Miso soup?
I think kittens are adorable even though they make me feel miserable. Can't wait to see a picture!
Laura - miso soup is a Japanese soup - go to a sushi bar sometime - it's really good!!
I'm so happy you got a kitten! I miss mine at home!
I'm going to the space needle sometime after new years!
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