


Today I am questioning why it is that the one person who is in your life that you never want to talk to again and never want to see again always has a way of finding you and popping back up in your life. Then that brings back all the horrible memories that you have to deal with all over again. I had this experience today when the one person who I NEED out of my life forever found me on facebook - does Bluffton have facebook?? Anyways, I've already blocked him from e-mail and IM - why did he have to go and find me here, why was he even looking me up?!?! Sorry for the ranting I'm just a bit upset right now.

In other news, we had two swim meets this week and won both of them. I'm finally getting a handle on the computer system that's used for swim meets - of course now the season is about over, but better late than never. I'm planning on getting a kitten this weekend - way excited about that! Hope your week is going well!!


Blogger Maria said...

Who is this person that found you that you are so upset about?? Ex-boyfriend? That's the problem with putting yourself online I guess! Ever think about how many random people could stumble upon our blogs?? And Bluffton had a facebook for awhile, but that only Bluffton people could be on..not the national one. But the website disappeared and Bluffton is not part of

8:51 AM  
Blogger Rebekah said...

Nice pictures, and most men...well you know.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

Why doesn't Bluffton have facebook anymore?

6:52 AM  

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