

So I got a 3 month old kitten. I would put up a picture, but my digital camera is broken at the moment, so I have to finish the role on my disposable camera before I'll have pictures. He is all grey and I named him "Miso" (yes, after miso soup - my sister asked why I didn't just name him chicken noodle - but that's not very cute!!) So far I think he's been a bit shell shocked and he's just sleeping a lot under my bed. Thankfully he does know how to use a litter box, so that's all going fine. I can't believe this weekend is already over!!



Today I am questioning why it is that the one person who is in your life that you never want to talk to again and never want to see again always has a way of finding you and popping back up in your life. Then that brings back all the horrible memories that you have to deal with all over again. I had this experience today when the one person who I NEED out of my life forever found me on facebook - does Bluffton have facebook?? Anyways, I've already blocked him from e-mail and IM - why did he have to go and find me here, why was he even looking me up?!?! Sorry for the ranting I'm just a bit upset right now.

In other news, we had two swim meets this week and won both of them. I'm finally getting a handle on the computer system that's used for swim meets - of course now the season is about over, but better late than never. I'm planning on getting a kitten this weekend - way excited about that! Hope your week is going well!!


The Beach!

I've been wanting to get a picture up on this thing, but just hadn't done it yet. Here is the beach across from my apartment. You can see the space needle in the background. When you drive around that point you look over the water and into downtown - really pretty at night. You can't really see my apartment, but it's way on the right hand side (the first building you can see in the picture.) Right now I'm putting off planning for the next week. Today I went to a Doane alumni event - yes, Doane had an alumni event in Seattle- how weird! It was fun, but a bit odd since the person closest in age to me was still 20 years older! Everything is still busy, but going well. I'm making more friends at church, which is nice. Well, I'd best get to planning. Hope everyone had a great weekend.