

2 Months to Go!

I'm really bad at updating this...sorry!

As the title says - 2 months until the wedding! This weekend we're working on finishing up all the invitations. I don't know how we would have gotten then all made without my parents who were here in January. Whie my parents were here I had 2 days off school and Erin had 1 day off work because of a freak snow storm we had - we have had CRAZY weather this year and are now looking at being in school until June 28th! This week I am also going in for my first dress fitting - very exciting!

Erin and I are planning to go look at houses next weekend. We were supposed to do it last weekend, then this weekend, but we've been too busy. Assuming we get all these invitations done and mailed out on Monday, we should have some time next weekend. Erin has found a lady who is going to rent out his condo and she is moving in in 2 weeks, so he's having to move his stuff into my little apartment. Hopefully we'll be able to find something we can afford that's a bit larger than my apt!

School has been very crazy with all the days off. We're finally kind of getting back into a routine, but we will have a week off Feb 19-23, so I'm sure the kids will get all crazy again. Erin and I are going back to KC during that time to finalize a bunch of wedding stuff. I know everyone says that your 1st year of teaching is your hardest, but I'm now convinced the hardest is your 2nd year because you end up volunteering for all these committees that you didn't have to do your 1st year.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Blogger Maria said...

it was nice talking to you the other day - good luck with everything!!

11:28 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Best wishes with the last wedding details!

10:05 AM  

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