

rollerblading With Ski Poles...

So, I have found that by living in a place that has a boardwalk where people regularly bike, rollerblade, and run you see some interesting things. So far my two favorite have been the woman who was rollerblading and dancing to the tunes on her IPod and the older man who was rollerblading with ski poles. I'm not really sure what the ski poles were for, but it made an interesting sight.

This week I had orientation...pretty long, but got some good information. Swim team starts tomorrow and I am excited and nervous!! There is supposed to be almost 40 girls on the team - that seems quite large. I also have a workshop to go to tomorrow afternoon - the craziness has started!

I hope everyone has had a nice, relaxing weekend!!


Finally in Seattle!!

I'm finally getting a free moment to write an entry. I don't have internet in my apartment yet, so I have to walk down to a local coffee shop to use theirs. So far I love my apartment and being across from the beach! My sister leaves today...kind of sad, but also kind of exciting. I had an interview for a swim coaching position at one of the high schools. I find out today if I got the job, but I don't have much hope, they seemed like a pretty high powered team and I'm not sure I came off as tough enough for them. If I don't get it I may need to find another way to make some extra here is expensive!! Remember, if you ever want a little vacation to the Northwest, I have a futon!! I'll try to get a picture up of my new apartment!